Thursday, July 21, 2011

Delicious autumn!

So I hear there's a national heat wave. It seems almost impossible that the rest of the country is literally in danger of dying from excessive heat, when we ourselves have been dubbed the "home of the 78-minute summer." Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I have had this put into perspective over and over again (see example here). Yes, I would love to wear my shorts more than once. Yes, I would  love an excuse to get a brightly-colored pedicure. Yes, I'd love to be able to sit outside before or after work without a jacket. However, summer isn't my favorite season anyways. And if it's gonna be chilly, I'm going to take this time to start looking forward to autumn

Here's some autumnal inspiration…

Betsy Eby encaustic painting {source}

Apple picking

Cozy blankets {source}

Pumpkin pie oatmeal {source}

Autumn in a jar: lavender fig jam {source}

Fall color {source}

Celebrating the love of my life

Favorite color

Fingerless gloves and warm drinks {source}

Orange and purple {source}

Nut brown ales {source}

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. // George Eliot

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beautiful escape…

I've been feeling sort of 'blah' all week. All I want is to snuggle up in warm pjs and do absolutely nothing.

I wish I could wrap myself in the coziest of clothes and go here:

I'd walk around till my nose got ice cold, and then I'd find a small pub with a blazing, crackling fire to warm up next to.

Or maybe I could go here:


Quiet, still beauty. No demands, no to-do's, just peace.

That would be nice.