Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wonderful Saturday

I had the best freaking day today. The hubby accompanied me on my FIRST ride outside with my new bike — clip-ins and everything! It was a blast! After awhile I felt super comfortable clipping in and out, and just comfortable on my bike in general. Thank the Lord for big 'ol padded spandex and an italian made butterfly seat! Anywho, we went 40 miles because we're training for the STP. The farthest I have gone since even deciding I was interested in owning a bike was 20 miles. That being said, I was pooped when we were done. So we stopped for coffee afterward. :) Then for lunch we made dElicIOus chicken spinach salads with strawberries, apples, avocado, and mango dressing. Yummers! Then we headed over to our neighborhood nursery, Rosso Gardens, which is huge and amazing and the guy who helped us was awesome. We picked out the ground cover we want to use around the path we're putting in (plans below!). After Darrick left for work, I took Biscuits (one of Day-Z's many nicknames, in case you didn't know) on a walk, came home and started digging up grass to prepare for our path / vegetable garden. And now I have continued my mango-themed dinner with whole wheat couscous, mango-chicken sausage, sauteed vegetables, topped with a sauce made from my mango dressing mixed with olive oil, cardamom, and rosemary. It'll be nice to have fresh herbs for this kind of thing… hopefully soon! Oh, and a glass of wine. I can't leave out the wine. :)

Here are my garden plans!

This is the path from the back door to the patio, with the veggie/herb garden between the path and the fence.

Here's my plan. I think we'll do beets in the blank spot on the right. I've been researching a lot, but if you have suggestions, don't be shy!

For the ground cover that will grow around the path and into the garden area (they're raised beds, so don't worry!), we decided to mix this sedum with blue star creeper (below).
Ooooo. Pretty! :)

Hope you had a lovely Saturday too. And if not, there's always Sunday. :)


  1. Sounds absolutely splendid!!! LOVE your lunch/dinner menu and choice of ground cover. I'm banking on a wonderful sunday. Hopefully it's nice out so I can get out in my garden, too! I don't know how Seattle would take berries, but I planted strawberries and raspberries last year and loved being able to go out and pick handfuls for oatmeal, fruit salads, beans are also nice to have on hand...those are my garden-filler suggestions (from an Eastern Oregon perpective!)

  2. Look at you, planning away! I can't wait to see how it goes!
